Saturday, December 1, 2007

Meditate on the name of God

Awsw ]
jb lgu qylu dIvy muiK bwqI qb sUJY sBu koeI ]
qyl jly bwqI ThrwnI sUMnw mMdru hoeI ]1]
ry baury quih GrI n rwKY koeI ]
qUM rwm nwmu jip soeI ]1] rhwau ]
kw kI mwq ipqw khu kw ko kvn purK kI joeI ]
Gt PUty koaU bwq n pUCY kwFhu kwFhu hoeI ]2]
dyhurI bYTI mwqw rovY KtIAw ly gey BweI ]
lt iCtkwey iqrIAw rovY hMsu iekylw jweI ]3]
khq kbIr sunhu ry sMqhu BY swgr kY qweI ]
iesu bMdy isir julmu hoq hY jmu nhI htY gusweI ]4]9]

As long as the oil and the wick are in the lamp, everything is illuminated.
But when the oil is burnt, the wick goes out, and the mansion becomes desolate. ||1||
O mad-man, no one will keep you, for even a moment.
Meditate on the Name of that Lord. ||1||Pause||
Tell me, whose mother is that, whose father is that, and which man has a wife?
When the pitcher of the body breaks, no one cares for you at all. Everyone says, ""Take him away, take him away!""||2||
Sitting on the threshold, his mother cries, and his brothers take away the coffin.
Taking down her hair, his wife cries out in sorrow, and the swan-soul departs all alone. ||3||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints, about the terrifying world-ocean.
This human suffers torture and the Messenger of Death will not leave him alone, O Lord of the World. ||4||9||

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 477

Source: SGGS

1 comment:

Adami Singh said...

Dear this is a very exceptionally touching shabad ( although the every word of Gurubani is touching).

What is the reason behind this publication. Could you please let me know.


A sikh.

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I was born in a sikh family. I do not know how complete a sikh I am? I am proud to be a sikh. My knowledge of sikh religion is very shallow.