Awsw mhlw 5 ]
BeI prwpiq mwnuK dyhurIAw ]
goibMd imlx kI ieh qyrI brIAw ]
Avir kwj qyrY ikqY n kwm ]
imlu swDsMgiq Bju kyvl nwm ]1]
srMjwim lwgu Bvjl qrn kY ]
jnmu ibRQw jwq rMig mwieAw kY ]1] rhwau ]
jpu qpu sMjmu Drmu n kmwieAw ]
syvw swD n jwinAw hir rwieAw ]
khu nwnk hm nIc krMmw ]
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
This human body has been given to you.
This is your chance to meet the Lord of the Universe.
Nothing else will work.
Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; vibrate and meditate on the Jewel of the Naam. ||1||
Make every effort to cross over this terrifying world-ocean.
You are squandering this life uselessly in the love of Maya. ||1||Pause||
I have not practiced meditation, self-discipline, self-restraint or righteous living.
I have not served the Holy; I have not acknowledged the Lord, my King.
Says Nanak, my actions are contemptible!
O Lord, I seek Your Sanctuary; please, preserve my honor! ||2||4||
Ang 12 SGGS.