We will go alone from this world |
Kabeer, the mortal loses his faith, for the sake of the world, but the world shall not go along with him in the end. The idiot strikes his own foot with the axe by his own hand. ||13|| |
kbIr dInu gvwieAw dunI isau dunI n cwlI swiQ ] pwie kuhwVw mwirAw gwPil ApunY hwiQ ]13] |
Bhagat Kabbeer Ji Salok Kabbeer Ji SGGS Ang 1365 |
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Death comes to all, and all must suffer separation.
sBnw mrxw AwieAw vyCoVw sBnwh ]
puChu jwie isAwixAw AwgY imlxu iknwh ]
ijn myrw swihbu vIsrY vfVI vydn iqnwh ]1]
BI swlwihhu swcw soie ]
jw kI ndir sdw suKu hoie ] rhwau ]
vfw kir swlwhxw hY BI hosI soie ]
sBnw dwqw eyku qU mwxs dwiq n hoie ]
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY rMn ik ruMnY hoie ]2]
DrqI aupir kot gV kyqI geI vjwie ]
jo Asmwin n mwvnI iqn nik nQw pwie ]
jy mn jwxih sUlIAw kwhy imTw Kwih ]3]
nwnk Aaugux jyqVy qyqy glI jMjIr ]
jy gux hoin q ktIAin sy BweI sy vIr ]
AgY gey n mMnIAin mwir kFhu vypIr ]4]1]
Death comes to all, and all must suffer separation.
Go and ask the clever people, whether they shall meet in the world hereafter.
Those who forget my Lord and Master shall suffer in terrible pain. ||1||
So praise the True Lord,
by whose Grace peace ever prevails. ||Pause||
Praise Him as great; He is, and He shall ever be.
You alone are the Great Giver; mankind cannot give anything.
Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass; what good does it do to cry out in protest? ||2||
Many have proclaimed their sovereignty over millions of fortresses on the earth, but they have now departed.
And those, whom even the sky could not contain, had ropes put through their noses.
O mind, if you only knew the torment in your future, you would not relish the sweet pleasures of the present. ||3||
O Nanak, as many as are the sins one commits, so many are the chains around his neck.
If he possesses virtues, then the chains are cut away; these virtues are his brothers, his true brothers.
Going to the world hereafter, those who have no Guru are not accepted; they are beaten, and expelled. ||4||1||
SGGS 595
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Remember the true master
iqs kI srnI pru mnw ijsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]
ijsu ismrq suKu hoie Gxw duKu drdu n mUly hoie ]
Seek His Shelter, O my mind; there is no other as Great as He.
Remembering Him in meditation, a profound peace is obtained.
Pain and suffering will not touch you at all.
Technorati Tags: True Master
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Everything is under His control
pauVI ]
qyrw kIqw hoie q kwhy frpIAY ]
ijsu imil jpIAY nwau iqsu jIau ArpIAY ]
AwieAY iciq inhwlu swihb bysumwr ]
iqs no pohy kvxu ijsu vil inrMkwr ]
sBu ikCu iqs kY vis n koeI bwhrw ]
so Bgqw min vuTw sic smwhrw ]
qyry dws iDAwiein quDu qUM rKx vwilAw ]
isir sBnw smrQu ndir inhwilAw ]17]
Whatever happens is according to Your Will, so why should I be afraid?
Meeting Him, I meditate on the Name - I offer my soul to Him.
When the Infinite Lord comes to mind, one is enraptured.
Who can touch one who has the Formless Lord on his side?
Everything is under His control; no one is beyond Him.
He, the True Lord, dwells in the minds of His devotees.
Your slaves meditate on You; You are the Savior, the Protector Lord.
You are the Almighty Overlord of all; You bless us with Your Glance of Grace. 17
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri on Pannaa 522
Courtesy: http://www.sikhitothemax.com
About Me
- dasan daas
- I was born in a sikh family. I do not know how complete a sikh I am? I am proud to be a sikh. My knowledge of sikh religion is very shallow.